"I believe that the more organised and efficient you are, the happier and more productive our team will be. This helps them to support our clients effectively whilst maintaining and healthy work-life-balance."

Ashley is responsible for the day to day running of the office including accounts, invoicing, marketing, IT security and compliance.
Ashley also runs our Client Care Programme. This involves gathering open and honest post-engagement feedback from our clients so we can continually improve the services we deliver.
Prior to founding Kiwi Bid Support with Piers, Ashley graduated from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand where she attained a Bachelors and Masters in Architecture. From there, Ashley has worked across a wide variety of architecture firms in New Zealand and London on small-scale to large-scale commercial & residential projects.
Master of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington
Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
Tech Skills
MS Office
Adobe Suite